
Located in the west region of Ellthica, Atheron is the seat of power for the humans and its main city is Rusomaru. Atheron is a large sprawling expanse, hugged by the Gelmairo Ocean on three sides, with the Salentino Desert bordering the fourth. Of the various regions of Ellthica, Atheron is by far the most lush; the natural beauty of its forests and plains, the variety of its wildlife and its success in not being tainted by blood magic make it a generally pleasant place to live.

While we would be here all day if we chronicled every location on Ellithica, each major area has several iconic locations that are important within it's history. Here are a few from Atheron.

Rusomaru is the capitol city of Atheron, and the seat of power for its monarchy. A mecca of technology, Rusomaru is home to the first ever fleet of airships in Ellithica's history. These flying marvels are the heart of Rusomaru's military, and are what allows it to hold its own amidst the enchantments of the Mer of Merridae, the Elven mages of Azor Rocha and the Naga Kings of the Underground City of Naust. The fleet has also been vital in holding back the ever increasing advances of the Dark Court of Nyruva.

Aside from its military might, Rusomaru is also a showcase of the humans culture and ingenuity. It is home to a large shopping district, numerous inns and taverns, and annually hosts the Cherry Blossom Music Festival. It is also home to the Royal Guard, the University of Arcyde, where people study engineering, traditional medicine and science, and the North Harbour--the only way to travel the Gelmairo Ocean without paying homage to the Mer of Merridae.

Governed by the Kalendri twins, Erika and Trevor, Tanoda is a town known for its produce and the Star Gazer, a tavern frequented by the half elven bardess Rebekkah Windsong. For the most part, Tanoda is a quiet little town that puts most of its focus on doing its part to keep Atheron running smoothly. However, there is one odd quirk that the first time traveler to Ellithica should be aware of.

Every year the citizens of Tanoda participate in a strange lottery where two of their children are chosen to ascend the mountain to the north east of the village. None have ever returned. To an outsider this ritual likely sounds horrible and barbaric, but to the citizens of Tanoda, this is their tribute to the Kalendri in exchange for the continued good harvests they have experienced since the siblings took control of the area.

It is unknown what becomes of those chosen by the lottery, but the general consensus is that it would not be in an outsider's best interest to question the nature of the lottery--unless that outsider is willing to take a rotten tomato to the face.

Galdar is the largest port on the entire continent. It is also home to many legends, the most interesting one being that those living in the village are either Mer themselves or the relatives of those living in the underwater city of Merridae. The inhabitants of Galdar have done nothing to confirm or deny the claims. What cannot be denied, of course, is the strong ties that the city has to honoring--some would even say worshiping--the sea.

There are several strange rituals that the people of Galdar perform through the course of the year and these have lead the other parts of Atheron to come up with some interesting rumors and superstitions about these sea loving folk. Perhaps the most interesting of these tales is one which claims that a Mer can grant a human immortality if that human consumes some of the merfolks' tail scales. A more sinister rumor suggests that it may be quite perilous for outsiders to linger in Galdar, lest they be lured into the waters of the Gelmairo and forced to become the Mer's slaves.

Despite all of this people tend to flock to Galdar, whether it's to voyage by sea to other ports or to relax on the shimmering sands of its gorgeous beaches in an attempt to escape the blazing summer sun. We must recommend caution to any who would linger long in Galdar, but it is a sight to behold and for those willing to take the risk there is great reward to be found here. Final tip: the premiere place to dine in Galdar is the infamous Mermen's Tail Tavern.

Anyone fool enough to dare travel the Salentino Desert without the aid of a magic carpet would be outright suicidal to do so without first stopping at Callill, the desert outpost. Set at the edge of the Beroash Forest and the borderline that marks the eastern edge of Atheron and the start of the Salentino Deseat, Callill strives to help people reach Azar Rocha or Naust in one piece.

Whether you are looking for a bed and a hearty meal, a canteen and other supplies, or someone who will rent you a camel, this is the place you need to be. However, we must advise caution and attention to those not use to desert travel. We've heard rumors of slavers patrolling the area looking for easily claimed "merchandise". Be on your guard, traveler: there are mre treacherous things then mirages, vipers and cacti lurking among the dunes.

Torez lies in the very heart of Atheron, at a place known as the Crossroads. It is a central hub that connects all of the other cities and towns, via all their major roads, together. Torez is a busy trading district and is most famous for its livestock and its coaches. The people here provide Atheron with much of its meat, just as Tanoda provides vegetables, Galdar provides fish and Rusomaru refines grains and spices.

Aside from this, Tanoda is how to the Grand Theater where comedies and tragedies are performed. It is the home base for the Great Hunt, where the men of Atheron compete to catch wild boar. And most importantly, it is the home of the Jolly Mile, the continent's only horse racing course. Breeders and enthusiasts bring their horses here to test the quality and athleticism of their stock.

Beautiful, treacherous, and mysterious, the Salentino Desert has long served as a shield to protect the lush greenery of Atheron from the barren wastes and tainted marshes of Nyruva to the far east. Home to both the Elves of Azar Rosha and the Nagas of Naust, the desert has a long history of both bloodshed and brotherhood among all of the races of Ellithica.

Anyone thinking of traversing the Salentino Desert should not step forth unprepared. The climate in this region is harsh--scorching hot during the day and then freezing cold in the hours after the sun has set. These climatic dangers aside, one must also contend with vipers, mirages, giant scorpions and tainted cacti that have a taste for blood. But more dangerous than any of these, at least to the too naive traveler, are the slave traders rumored to be scouting the area for new merchandise. Be on your guard!

The desert may seem barren, but that is in part an illusion. If you are determined to discover its secrets, do not venture forth without reading this handy guide.

Azar Rocha has two nicknames: The Wizard City, since it's the home of Sky Haven, the college of mages; and Cloud City, since from the base of the Palenth Mountains, the city seems to hover above the summit of the mountains. It could also be that this second name came about because the easiest way to get to Azar Rocha is by riding a magic carpet--meaning you've been invited by an Elven noble. Definitely the best chance of getting to see this marvel of Elven culture and beauty.

There are many interesting things in Azar Rocha for those who are interested in Elven culture or general knowledge. It's home to the Great Library, the continent's most complete collection of literature. It is also the site of the most advanced medial treatments available, having accessed to Healers rather than just Doctors. Azar Rocha is also known for its focus on art and fashion. It has three museums: The Gallery, Hystoria (which focuses on Elven history), and the Chantrex, a museum that focuses on the history of magic.

It would be unfair to conclude our look at Azar Rocha without issuing a warning that the Elves can be quite arrogant and self absorbed, and that there are some places, even among those listed here, where certain races are not welcome. Also, if you are a Naga who has matured enough to retain human form it is advised that you do so. The only thing as long as an Elf's lifespan is their ability to bare a grudge. And odds are good that if they see your tail, all they will think about is that one of your ancestors likely ate one of theirs. Not a pleasant situation.

The Naga citizens of the Underground City, Naust, are indeed the unsung heroes of all who would oppose the Empire of Nyruva. Naust is connacted to the Underground Passageway, a dangerous maze of trap filled corridors which have been largely for the blood mages and necromancers failure to pour into their neighbours lands and enslave any that would resist them.

Because of their natural weaponry, many myths have risen about the Nagas and their underground home. Some claim they are demons and that the passage that leads to their city is really the entrance to hell. Others think that the Naga still kidnap wandering elves to eat, or take humans beneath the ground to bare their offspring.

In truth, the Nagas are busy holding back the tide of evil that they know lurks on the other side of the passage. They may have once been the most feared race in all of Ellithica, but with Nyruva constantly attacking their back door, the Nagas can't understand how any of the other races think they have time for anything besides keeping these far more sinister enemies at bay. It's been over a century since the Nagas revolted against the mad Prince who gained them their current reputation. They can only wonder how many more must pass before the other races of Ellithica see how much they have striven to change.

Built beside an oasis in the heart of the Salentino Desert, the Sandstone Tower rises from the dunes and is a miraculous site to behold. From a distance, the imposing tower looks like it is little more then a toy that a child constructed from the sand. But as one draws closer, the majestic high and intricate details are likely to inspire awe; enough to make one forget that this is said to be a prison.

Many tales have crept up in the years since the tower's construction, both about its purpose and capabilities, and about its inhabitant, the exiled Nega Prince, Lorcan. No one save he has been known to enter or leave the tower, and none has dared to set food within it besides him, leaving knowledge at a minimum and superstition with a fertile breeding ground.

If you must journey to Nyruva, go knowing that it makes traversing the Salentino seem like a walk in the park. Nyruva is home to the blood mages and necromancers. It was created when humans decided that the elves should not be the only ones to wield magic, stealing water from the spring of life, and then thinking that if they put that water into another body of water, it would grow.

They did alright for a while, but their power could not match what could be done in Azar Rocha. So the human mages did something no Elven mage would ever think of doing: they bargained with the Djinni of the Islands of Flame, wishing for the power to cast magic in exchange for allowing the Djinni to claim their souls when they die.

I'm sure you can see that this has not lead to a land full of rainbows and puppies. These men's ambitions were insatiable, and it was only so long before they realized what they had promised and started trying to think of a way to cheat death. That path, necromancy, leads us to where we are today. Nyruva is a tangled mess of tainted marshes, dead grass plains, enchanted trees with a taste for human flesh, walking dead and bone piles that aren't quite as immobile as one would like them to be.

Three words, friend: watch your step.

Again, as I work to author this guide, I must stress that I do not suggest traveling to Nos Facuja for your next vacation. However, if you have the misfortune of needing to travel the wastes, the following key locations and the info provided about them should prove useful. Good luck, traveler. You'll need it.

Nyruva has two main cities and of those, Nos Facuja is the capitol. A den of blood magic, experiments on living, sentient subjects, and home of the world infamous Slave Actions, it's not the sort of place where one wants to make a wrong turn.

You might think that, as it is the capitol, Nos Facuja would need to maintain some level of decency. Think again. Veritt, which is a port city to the south, is more likely to be visited by outsiders, and generally does more of the 'keeping up appearances' work, despite being a haven for necromancers.

As with many slave owning peoples, the most remarkable entertainments within Nos Facuja involve the citizens' "pets". Whether you would prefer to watch them duke it out in gladitorial tournaments at the arena, witness public humiliations and defilements at one of the city's many mock boxes, or get your jollies more privately at one of the city's many brothels, let us assure you it is all here for your perverse pleasure. Provided you have the coin, of course.

If you do not have an invite to Felwalker Keep, it is strongly advised that you maintain your distance and look the other way no matter what you think you are hearing. This is the private domain of Prince Jabari Facuja, and one look at the place should make it very clear that entertaining guests is the last thing on his mind.

What makes us so sure? The moat full of flesh melting acid is one clue. Oh, and those blood curdling screams that come from the place on a near daily basis help solidify our stance further. Seriously: this is not somewhere you want to end up, unless you like the idea of being cut into microscopic pieces to be fused together with other people's corpses--all while you're still breathing and able to feel the pain.

Yes, we thought you'd see it our way. Felwood Keep is bad. Smart words, traveler.

The first thing you should know is that if you go to Veritt, you are going to see Ghouls. If you aren't careful, someone may snuff your soul free from your body so they can use it to make one. Now that we've gotten that cheery topic out of the way, welcome to Nyruva's one and only port town. We hope you enjoyed the journey here, because there's a fifty fifty chance that you won't leave alive.

Unlike Nos Facuja, where the Nyruvan nobles frolic with their pets, Veritt is a workers' town on the surface. It probably seems similar to Tanoda or Galdar to an extent, if you close your eyes to block out the blighted soil and can breathe long enough that you don't smell the rotting corpses--er, Ghouls--milling about their business.

The real action in Veritt all happens behind closed doors. A good chunk of the Nyruvan military is here, as well as their Battle Mages and "research" facilities. If you value your life you'll pretend you heard none of that, and won't go snooping around. And if you ignore the warning and get caught, we've never meet. Is that clear?

The last major location that anyone planning to travel to Ellithica should know about is Merridae, the Underwater Kingdom of the Mer. It's not common for a land walker to be granted an invitation to visit as a guest, but if such an offer is given in good faith, take it. The Mer City is a beautiful place to behold, the coral and stone buildings unlike anything you've ever seen before or will likely ever see again.

A word of caution, though. Let a Mer bring you into the city personally. Do not, we repeat, do not get onto any boats leaving Galdar and claiming to be offering tourists a glimpse of Merridae. The Nyruvans may be the most open people in Ellithica regarding slavery, but they are not the only ones to practice it. And we have it on solid authority that being a slave to the Mer is worse, because there is no way to ever escape.

Provided that you are invited to Merridae as a guest, and not conned into becoming a slave, you are in for a real treat. Merfolk have some of the most advanced technology in all of Ellithica, including the ability to make their city completely habitable for humans. They are also extremely talented musicians. While there are some forms of musical entertainment on the surface, none can touch what a Mer can do with the weapon--er, instrument--he or she has spent a lifetime mastering.

And with that, dear traveler, this guide to traveling the various nations of Ellithica draws to a close. Are you still itching to know more about this mysterious and exotic land, equal parts beautiful and terrifying? Then you'll need to read the Tales of Ellithica. I hope you enjoy discovering this world as much as I've enjoyed creating it.

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